Who Is Claire ❤
Languages Louise?

Hey there! Thanks for making your way over to this page!

Let’s start with the name, shall we? When I started my Instagram account, I couldn’t find a good username with ‘Claire’, my first name, so I played around with some ideas using Louise, my middle name. Languages Louise sounded best and it’s stuck.

You can call me Claire or Louise. I don’t mind [:

Who am I? I’m a content writer and English language teacher living in the UK and working from my home office in South Yorkshire.

I moved to Taiwan with my family when I was 6 years old and we also lived in China and Thailand. My family have lived in many other places without me, including South Korea, India, and Vietnam.

I came back to England when I was 18 to go to university, and I’ve been here ever since! Although, I spent 3 months teaching in China, Taiwan and Poland from 2018 to 2019.

  • 33 [1990]
  • British
  • Married
  • 2 cats
  • Football fan [WHU]

What Languages Am I Learning?

My history with Chinese is more complex than I’d like it to be. So although I first came into contact with the language more than 20 years ago, I haven’t studied it actively for that long.

The same with German. I’ve never taken any formal German lessons and my knowledge is very random. I’m only just started to use textbooks and learn German grammar from the beginning. And I’m struggling!

During the pandemic I spent a lot of time studying Spanish and Swedish, so when I do have time (and energy!) I try to review what I already know.

My Hobbies

I have a lot of cosy hobbies. I love reading, writing, drawing, journalling, taking photographs, trying to train my cat, watching Chinese dramas and listening to music. I’m also a big football (soccer) fan, and it’s always on my tv.

Languages I’ve Studied

At some point, I’ve studied French, Italian, Thai, Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, Swiss German, and Welsh.

If I was able to reach B1 in German, Spanish and Swedish, I’d probably pick up Japanese again. I love Japanese literature.

The Future of Languages Louise

Although I don’t know exactly what the future of @languageslouise looks like, I have some ideas.

I hope to share more resources, create worksheets and help language learners find healthier and more effective ways to study the languages they love.

harry potter in Chinese

What Else?

If there’s anything else you want to know about my language-learning journey, feel free to connect with me on Instagram or drop me a message via my contact form!

I love meeting fellow language-learners and am always up for a chat (once I’ve had my coffee, of course!).

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